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Monday, May 3, 2010

6 Months Old

My baby is finally 6 months old. I shouldn't say finally because I am really so sad over it. I wish I could keep her small just a bit longer. I am really having a hard time knowing that she is the last baby. I know 4 kids, who would want anymore, but it is just a sad feeling knowing I will never have that littleness again. She is the sweetest and cuties baby ever. She loves to roll around and grabs at everything. She loves to try to take my cell phone or iPod; that's a girl for you. She sits and plays all by herself and loves to talk and sing. She is 2 feet 3 inches tall at the 80% for her age but only a whopping 13 pds 15.5 oz; only in the 7%. I am thinking that her nickname of 'Moo' just might have to change. But she is cute as can be.

But I Havn't Been with any Chickens

So my 4 yr old might have come down with chicken pox. He has had 2 immunizations, but who know, leave it to him to be the rare 3% that will still get it. We told him he could not go to school and had to not touch the baby because he might have chicken pox. His response 'But I have not been around any chickens.' Our reply, 'Yeah, you can't get it from chickens anyways.' His solution to the question, 'I bet it was from the chicken nuggets.'

So funny. Now since our pediatrician agreed that it was probably the chicken nuggets, lol, my 4 year old tells everyone that Dr. Alarm (can't say his name right) says it was the nuggets. He is just toooooooooo funny.